Sep 3, 2021 | Latest News
It turns out that glancing at tastefully adorned walls can make you feel better. One thing that I’ve learned in my 25 years experience is that including art and color into your home design will have a good impact on your mood and overall health. It’s funny...
Aug 25, 2021 | Latest News
Check out this new home in Bend Oregon in the works! Thanks to the wonderful clients for letting me design there interior space. So much goes into a new build and planning is the key. Here is just a snippet into the process… Stay Tuned....
Oct 8, 2013 | Latest News
By Suzanne Moutis Balance Balance is the keyword for Pantone’s spring fashion colour palette. Working to create harmony and versatility, the colours range from brights to neutrals to offer an energizing mix with a sense of unity. Style at Home’s design editors...